Recent Research Output

Recent Publications

Limited asset market participation and monetary policy in a small open economy
Paul Levine, Stephen McKnight, Alex Mihailov and Jonathan Swarbrick,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,  (accepted)

Does the sequence matter? Interest rates,  quantitative easing or forward guidance
Tudor Schlanger, Lena Suchanek, Jonathan Swarbrick, Joel Wagner and Yang Zhang,
International Journal of Central Banking,  (forthcoming)

A Unified Model of Learning to Forecast 
George Evans, Christopher G. Gibbs and Bruce McGough,
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,  (forthcoming)

Social Learning and Expectational Stability
George Evans and Bruce McGough,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Special Issue in honor of Jasmina Arivovic,  (forthcoming)

Selection, patience, and the interest rate
Radek Stefanski and Alex Trew, 2024,
Journal of Political Economy: Macroeconomics,  2(1)

Lending standards, productivity, and credit crunches
Jonathan Swarbrick, 2023,
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 27(2)

What have the monetary authorities really stabilised, and does it matter?
David Cobham and Peter Macmillan, 2023,
Open Economies Review, 34

Are long-horizon expectations (de-)stabilizing? Theory and experiments
George Evans, Cars Hommes, Bruce McGough and Isabella Salle, 2022
Journal of Monetary Economics, 132

Expectations, stagnation and fiscal policy: a nonlinear analysis
George Evans, Seppo Honkapohj and Kaushik Mitra, 2022,
International Economic Review, 63(3)

Economic performance under different monetary policy frameworks
David Cobham, Peter Macmillan, Connor Mason and Mengdi Song 2022
Journal of Policy Modeling, 44(2)

The RPEs of RBCs and other DSGEs
David Evans, George Evans and Bruce McGough, 2022,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 143

Bounded Rationality and Unemployment Dynamics
David Evans, George Evans and Bruce McGough, 2022
Economics Letters, 210