The Macroeconomics Research Cluster brings together researchers working on a wide range of topics including macro theory, monetary economics, open economy macro, macro-financial linkages, time series analysis and macroeconometrics, and structural transformation.

We are actively involved in collaborative research and policy projects with policy institutions such as central banks and with academics across the world.

Members of the groups are accepting applications from potential PhD students. There are funding opportunities. If you are considering PhD study in macroeconomics, visit here to view potential supervisors and here for more information about the process. Recent placements of our macro PhD students include the Bank of England, the University of Glasgow, University College Dublin, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


We arrange ad-hoc times together during teaching weeks to talk macro and for members of the group to present their early stage work. We also host occasional seminars for visiting speakers. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in coming along.


PhD students


Confirmed 2023/24 seminars

Seppo Honkapohja (Aalto University)
On robustness of average inflation targeting
13 September @ 1pm, Castlecliffe (12:30pm for lunch buffet)

2023/24 dept. seminars in macro

Martin Bruns (University of East Anglia)
12 September @ 11:15, Castlecliffe
Download paper

Marc Teignier (Universitat de Barcelona)
3 October @ 11:15, Castlecliffe
Download paper

Michael Hatcher (Southampton)
31 October @ 11:15, Castlecliffe

Tom Holden (Bundesbank)
7 November @ 11:15, Castlecliffe

Federica Romei  (Oxford)
14 November @ 11:15, Castlecliffe

Antonella Trigari  (Bocconi)
16 January @ 11:15, Castlecliffe

Mike Elsby  (Edinburgh)
6 February @ 11:15, Castlecliffe

Yunos Aksoy  (Birkbeck)
20 February @ 11:15, Castlecliffe